Captain: Nikolai Smith
Players out: Shane Dadswell (pro), Daniel Rose (returning to NZ for work), Shane Getkate (Phoenix)
Players in: Lahiru Gamage, Neil Rock (Rush)

There’s been a bit of activity at the champions, but although they have lost some key players, they look to have filled the gaps with quality players.

“We have lost Shane Dadswell (pro), Daniel Rose (returning to NZ for work), and Shane Getkate (to Phoenix),” said skipper Nikolai Smith.  “We are obviously sad to see them all go but wish them well on their new journey.  Shane was a great servant to the club and it’s going to be strange not having him around. He was a massive presence and influence on and off the field for us. They will be very difficult to replace but hopefully we have done for some of them.

“Our original choice of overseas professional fell through, but we have a quality replacement in experienced Sri Lankan international Lahiru Gamage. We are also all very excited about having Neil Rock. ‘Pebbles’ will add another dimension to the already explosive batting line-up that we have. It will be great to have someone of his experience and quality around, and it’s a great opportunity for the younger players to learn from someone of his caliber.

“Ollie Metcalfe will also be back from University this summer which is really great for us all at Shaw’s Bridge. He’s one of several younger players that have great potential including the likes of Jack Dickson, Cian Robertson, and Cade Carmichael. We saw glimpses last year of Jack’s potential and hopefully he can put some more good performances together. Cade and Cian hopefully continue what they are doing as they were simply fantastic last year, so more of the same will have us in another strong position.

“We are all really looking forward to the season coming up, and there are obviously a few changes, but hopefully we as a team continue to grow, develop and be the best we can.“