Newsroom:Miscellaneous Articles 2025

Irish Cricket Awards
Mark Adair and Orla Prendergast crowned successful years in international cricket with the premier prizes at the 13th Business Plus Irish Cricket Awards.
Adair and Prendergast headline winners at Ireland awards
Mark Adair and Orla Prendergast were the big winners at the 13th Irish Cricket Awards held in Dublin, as they were respectively named Men’s and Women’s International Player of the Year for 2024.
European T20 tournament gets green light
Cricket Ireland are hopeful that the new venture finally gets off the ground unlike the ill-fated Euroslam tournament.
The Week Ahead
View the latest international, interprovincial and provincial league tables.
The CricketEurope Archives
Updated annually, the CricketEurope Archives contain international and domestic material published by CricketEurope since 2005 - results, reports, statistics, photographs, video, audio, articles, special features, blogs …
- Global and international tournaments
- CricketEurope Worldwide, Netherlands, Scotland, Jersey, Isle of Man
- Irish international matches and All Ireland competitions.
- Leinster, Munster, NCU and North West
- Feature articles and series
- Blogs and columns.
- The Online Library.