Leinster Premiership 2025
26 April Clontarf v Balbriggan (Castle Avenue)
26 April Leinster v Cork County (Rathmines)
26 April Phoenix v Merrion (Phoenix Park)
26 April North County v Pembroke (Balrothery)
26 April Malahide v Railway Union (The Village)
26 April The Hills v Rush (The Vineyard)
3 May Balbriggan v Leinster (Jack Harper Ground)
3 May Cork County v Phoenix (Mardyke)
3 May Merrion v Malahide (Anglesea Road)
3 May Clontarf v The Hills (Castle Avenue)
3 May Pembroke v Railway Union (Sydney Parade)
3 May Rush v North County (Kenure)
5 May Railway Union v Clontarf (Park Avenue)
5 May Malahide v Leinster (The Village)
5 May Phoenix v Balbriggan (Phoenix Park)
5 May Pembroke v Rush (Sydney Parade)
5 May The Hills v Merrion (The Vineyard)
5 May North County v Cork County (Balrothery)
24 May Leinster v Clontarf (Rathmines)
24 May Cork County v Merrion (Mardyke)
24 May Rush v Railway Union (Kenure)
24 May Malahide v The Hills (The Village)
24 May Pembroke v Phoenix (Sydney Parade)
24 May Balbriggan v North County (Jack Harper Ground)
2 June Merrion v Pembroke (Anglesea Road)
2 June Clontarf v Phoenix (Castle Avenue)
2 June Cork County v Railway Union (Mardyke)
2 June Malahide v Rush (The Village)
2 June North County v Leinster (Balrothery)
2 June The Hills v Balbriggan (The Vineyard)
7 June Phoenix v North County (Phoenix Park)
7 June Merrion v Balbriggan (Anglesea Road)
7 June Clontarf v Malahide (Castle Avenue)
7 June Railway Union v The Hills (Park Avenue)
7 June Rush v Cork County (Kenure)
7 June Pembroke v Leinster (Sydney Parade)
14 June North County v Malahide (Balrothery)
14 June Rush v Clontarf (Kenure)
14 June Railway Union v Merrion (Park Avenue)
14 June Cork County v The Hills (Mardyke)
14 June Balbriggan v Pembroke (Jack Harper Ground)
14 June Leinster v Phoenix (Rathmines)
22 June Pembroke v Cork County (Sydney Parade)
22 June Merrion v Clontarf (Anglesea Road)
22 June Balbriggan v Malahide (Jack Harper Ground)
22 June Railway Union v Phoenix (Park Avenue)
22 June The Hills v North County (The Vineyard)
22 June Rush v Leinster (Kenure)
28 June Clontarf v Pembroke (Castle Avenue)
28 June Rush v Phoenix (Kenure)
28 June Balbriggan v Railway Union (Jack Harper Ground)
28 June Merrion v North County (Anglesea Road)
28 June The Hills v Leinster (The Vineyard)
28 June Malahide v Cork County (The Village)
19 July The Hills v Pembroke (The Vineyard)
19 July North County v Clontarf (Balrothery)
19 July Cork County v Balbriggan (Mardyke)
19 July Leinster v Railway Union (Rathmines)
19 July Merrion v Rush (Anglesea Road)
19 July Phoenix v Malahide (Phoenix Park)
26 July Pembroke v Malahide (Sydney Parade)
26 July Cork County v Clontarf (Mardyke)
26 July Leinster v Merrion (Rathmines)
26 July Phoenix v The Hills (Phoenix Park)
26 July Balbriggan v Rush (Jack Harper Ground)
26 July Railway Union v North County (Park Avenue)
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